IN THIS DAY AND AGE OF RAMPANT INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE, theft of critical organizational information such as financial data, Intellectual Property (IP), marketing strategies, product designs, personal information, etc., by both external hackers and from within, is at its peak. Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of the data and information systems is being compromised on a daily basis.

THEFT OF THIS INFORMATION DIRECTLY IMPACTS YOUR BUSINESS PROFITS! Whether you are a large organization or a Micro, Small or Medium Business (MSMB), theft of corporate data will directly impact your profits, apart from possible violation of legal and contractual requirements and obligations.

AT BERJ InfoSec, we provide services that address and mitigate these risks for your organization.

IN ADDITION TO TURNKEY PROJECTS, CONSULTANCY, TRAINING AND INFORMATION SECURITY AUDITS, we also offer outsourced Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and Chief Information Officer (CIO) services, to eliminate the cost to your organization associated with employing additional, permanent staff.

WE ALSO OFFER ALL OUR SERVICES TO FOREIGN / OVERSEAS COMPANIES SEEKING TO SET UP BASE IN INDIA, in addition to other, specialized services, at a reasonable and affordable cost. In addition, we also undertake overseas projects, which would be more cost-effective to your organization, without compromising on the quality of the work.



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BERJ InfoSec